

Gleneagles. A cimeira G-8 está orgulhosa de ter resistido à prova de força terrorista e ter dado $50 bilhões para África. À espera dos documentos em letra miúda da cimeira, o que se sabe para já é o velho “esticão” da ajuda internacional das últimas quatro décadas. Os fundos serão dados ao longo dos anos aos bancos credores, haverá reduções noutros fundos de ajuda e serão pagos pelos contribuintes do G-8.
A grande ajuda para África seria persuadir o G-8 o IMF, o BM a pôr lá gente que baixe os impostos e contribua para a transparência. Dar dólares e euros ao continente africano para reembolsar banqueiros ocidentais não ajuda a expandir as economias esmagadas por corrupção e impostos. As políticas estúpidas do IMF promovem aumentos do imposto e desvalorizações de moeda inflacionada em África em troca de dinheiro para os governos ocidentais pagarem aos banqueiros de Nova Iorque York. A taxa de imposto é de 30% no Sudão para rendimento per capita de $5. John Pilger, do New Statesman explica isto:

Excerpt from "THE G8 SUMMIT: A FRAUD AND A CIRCUS" by John Pilger, June 22 New Statesman
There is no conspiracy; the goal is no secret. [British Chancellor of the Exchequer] Gordon Brown spells it out in speech after speech, which liberal journalists choose to ignore, preferring the Treasury spun version. The G8 communiqué announcing the "victory for millions" is unequivocal. Under a section headed "G8 proposals for HIPC debt cancellation", it says that debt relief to poor countries will be granted only if they are shown "adjusting their gross assistance flows by the amount given": In other words, their aid will be reduced by the same amount as the debt relief. So they gain nothing. Paragraph Two states that "it is essential" that poor countries "boost private sector development" and ensure "the elimination of impediments to private investment, both domestic and foreign".

The ൿ billion" claimed by the Observer comes down, at most, to 1 billion spread over 18 countries. This will almost certainly be halved - providing less than six days` worth of debt payments - because Blair and Brown want the IMF to pay its share of the "relief" by revaluing its vast stock of gold, and passionate and sincere Bush has said no. The first unmentionable is that the gold was plundered originally from Africa. The second unmentionable is that debt payments are due to rise sharply from next year, more than doubling by 2015. This will mean not "victory for millions", but death for millions.

At present, for every 1 dollar of "aid" to Africa, 3 dollars are taken out by western banks, institutions and governments, and that does not account for the repatriated profit of transnational corporations. Take the Congo. Thirty-two corporations, all of them based in G8 countries, dominate the exploitation of this deeply impoverished, minerals-rich country, where millions have died in the "cause" of 200 years of imperialism. In the Cote d`Ivoire, three G8 companies control 95 per cent of the processing and export of cocoa: the main resource. The profits of Unilever, a British company long in Africa, are a third larger than Mozambique`s GDP. One American company, Monsanto - of genetic engineering notoriety - controls 52 per cent of the maize seed in South Africa, that country`s staple food.

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