
It is worth.... by David Krieger

David Krieger writes:

It is worth contemplating that the man who told the American people and
their Congress that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction necessitating
war, who took us to war illegally, who has branded innocent men as
"enemy combatants" and held them illegally at Guantanamo, who is
responsible for torture at Abu Ghraib prison, who authorized the
rendition of suspects so they could be tortured in other countries,
whose war in Iraq has led to over 3,000 American deaths, more than
occurred on 9/11, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi deaths, who has
stretched our military so thin it may be unable to protect the country
in the case of a real crisis, who always asserted he took orders from
his commanders "on the ground" and then fired the commanders who gave
him advice he didn't want to hear, who now offers us "the surge" as a
last desperate attempt to save his own reputation at the expense of
American soldiers, is the same man who has his finger on the nuclear
button, believes in preemptive war and has warned that all options are
on the table, including the nuclear option.

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